August 23, 2024

Hello Myrtle Beach World Am

By Gregg Dewalt, Alabama Golf News Editor
Gregg Dewalt at Myrtle Beach World Am

Full handicap event draws thousands

Editor’s Note: This is the first of a series of daily diary entries by Alabama Golf News Editor Gregg Dewalt, who is competing in his first Myrtle Beach World Amateur Handicap Championship, the largest gathering of amateur golfers in the world.

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. – When Georgia and Florida football fans converge on Jacksonville, Florida for the renewal of those schools’ annual rivalry game each fall, it’s billed as the World’s Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party.

Currently, I’m sitting in a small hotel room in the heart of Ocean Boulevard in Myrtle Beach, eagerly anticipating my inaugural appearance in the Myrtle Beach World Amateur Handicap Golf Championship. A couple thousand golfers of all ages and ability levels are either already here or will be here over the next two days to check in for the 72-hole event that begins Monday and, unless you win your flight, ends Thursday.

According to the player counter button the tournament’s web page, there are 2,974 players ranging from scratch players to 36-handicappers entered this year. The website also says players from all 50 states and 25 countries will tee it up next week.

My friend, Chris King of Kingfish Communications, has been after me to come experience this tournament for about the last 10 years. Finally, with nothing better to do, I pulled the trigger and entered. I’ll be playing off my 6.0 handicap in the Senior Men (60-69) division. I have no expectation of winning anything, but entering got me out of town for a week, so I’ve got that going for me.

Although the tournament starts Monday, I came in early to play in a couple of skins warm-up games. On Saturday, I’m playing True Blue, a Mike Strantz design that is one of the best courses along the Grand Strand. Sunday I’ll be at River Hills a little bit north of here. That’s not a course I am familiar with, so I look forward to playing there.

The top five in each flight – I’m in Flight No. 22 – win gift cards to the PGA Superstore. The flight winners advance to a final day of play to determine the overall champion. It’s a handicap event, so a 13-handicapper could beat out a scratch player for the overall crown if he or she shoots a lower net score.

For example, last year’s overall winner was Christopher Rainey of Drums, Pennsylvania, whose final-round 99 became a net 68 thanks to of his 31 handicap.

But there’s more to the Myrtle Beach World Am than just golf. There also is rumored to be a fantastic 19th hole each night at the convention center with free food and drinks, also a plus in my book.

Chris is supposed to connect me with a few other players from Alabama so I can chronicle their experiences for another story later.

Follow along with me daily as I share the experience of playing in what should be a fun-filled week.

Gregg Dewalt is the editor of Alabama Golf News

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Featured image: Gregg Dewalt