October 5, 2022

Amateurs crush pros in Alabama Cup matches

By Gregg Dewalt, AGN Editor
Alabama Cup Amateur Team

Inaugural event held at Willow Point

ALEXANDER CITY – It was a good two days for the Amateur Team at the inaugural Alabama Cup matches played at Willow Point Golf and Country Club.

The 10-person amateur team easily won the Alabama Cup, taking down their professional counterparts 12-3 in the first of what will become a biennial event.

The amateur team members for the Alabama Cup event were: Alex Balog, Daniel Burns, Wes Carter, Woodie Eubanks, Matt Gourgeot, Lea Green, Brinson Holder, Steven Hudson, Theresa Mahlik and Shaw Pritchett.

Professionals team members representing the Alabama-NW Florida PGA section were: Todd Bailey, Robbie Blackwell, Dominic Diaz, Steven Driggers, Noah Miller, Elizabeth Moultrie, Andrew Peyton, Patrick Richardson, Elaine Wood and Ty Zimmerman.

After taking a 4-1 lead on the first day, the Amateur Team won 8 of 10 matches in singles play Tuesday to complete the rout.

Singles results

  • Shaw Pritchett (A) def. Patrick Richardson (P), 2 & 1
    ●      Woodie Eubanks (A) def. Ty Zimmerman (P), 3 & 2
    ●      Elaine Wood (P) def. Theresa Mahlik (A), 5 & 4
    ●      Matt Gourgeot (A) def. Dominic Diaz (P), 3 & 1
    ●      Alex Balog (A) def. Robbie Blackwell (P), 2 & 1
    ●      Brinson Holder (A) def. Andrew Peyton (P), 3 & 1
    ●      Steve Hudson (A) def. Steven Driggers (P), 5 & 4
    ●      Lea Green (A) def. Elizabeth Moultrie (P), 4 & 2
    ●      Todd Bailey (P) def. Daniel Burns (A), 6 & 4
    ●      Wes Carter (A) def. Noah Miller (P), 2 & 1

First-round results

  • Shaw Pritchett/Steve Hudson (A) def. Patrick Richardson/Steven Driggers (P), 5 & 4
  • Wes Carter/Woodie Eubanks (A) def. Todd Bailey/Dominic Diaza, (P), 3 & 2
  • Brinson Holder/Matt Gourgeot (A) def. Ty Zimmerman/Robbie Blackwell, (P), 2 up
  • Alex Balog/Daniel Burns (A) def. Andrew Peyton/Noah Miller (P), 2 up
  • Elaine Wood/Elizabeth Moultrie (P) def. Theresa Mahlik/Lea Green (A), 2 & 1

The team of amateurs consisted of six male mid-amateurs, two senior male amateurs and two female amateurs. An individual must have competed in an AGA Championship within the last two years as of September 1, 2022, to be eligible.

The next Alabama Cup matches will be played in 2024.

Gregg Dewalt is the editor of Alabama Golf News

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Featured image by the Alabama Golf Association